Thursday, 25 September 2008

Mo ti di Irunmole (I am Become a god)

Mo ti di Irunmole (I am Become a god)
Mo ti di irunmole
I am become a god
Fears chains around my wrists are broken
Fears chains around my wrists are shattered

I am unleashed
I am unfettered
I am unchained
I am unbound
I am unloosed
I am uncaged

I am freed
I am liberated
I am loosed
I am uncaged

Wild energies issue out of me
Terrible power surges through my veins
Dread potencies race through my blood
A fierce light flashes in my eye
I am become Sango
God of thunder
Fearsome in aspect
Red in eye
Sharp in tooth and claw

My arm is become a mighty weight
And my hand is raised
Poised to strike

Wemimo "da_poet" Oloyede


PeacefulWmn9 said...

The rhythm, like the statement, is full of power throughout! A great poem, Ade.


Rayo said...

i like it, but i cnt help feeling it has a lot of potential, like it could have been so much more. i liked the way you started with yoruba, i was expecting to see a bit more of it as you went on, twould have spiced it up. i especially like the last statement, twas powerful!
just my opinion tho...